Hindu Matters In Britain - For British Hindus

Media Biased

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Media Bias and Its Implications in UK

In recent years, the portrayal of Hindus in UK media has sparked significant debate and concern within the community. This blog delves into the nuances of media bias against Hindus, examining the prevalence of stereotypes, underrepresentation, and negative framing. We explore the impact of these biased narratives on public perception and community cohesion. Additionally, the blog highlights efforts being made to address and counteract this bias, offering a pathway towards fair and balanced representation. Join us as we uncover the challenges and advocate for a more accurate and respectful portrayal of Hindus in UK media

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Persecution and Discrimination of Hindus in Pakistan

Persecution and Discrimination of Hindus in Pakistan Ranbir Singh, Chair of Hindu Human Rights Group (HHR)

The state-run electronic media, which until recently dominated the opinion building in Pakistan as the only TV channel, PTV, and Pakistan Radio were completely under control of the state, which used to portray India (Hindu) as eternal enemies of Pakistan and Muslims of the entire world. Blaming India for every happening in Pakistan. The stories of atrocities against Kashmiri Muslims in Indian held Kashmir by the Hindu Army were part of regular and essential part of every news bulletin and other programmes of current affairs. The print media, particularly mainstream Urdu newspapers, have also played their role in portraying Hindu as an enemy of Pakistan. This systematic image building has proved poisonous for Pakistani society, particularly it has made the lives of Hindus miserable. Hindus are suspected as agent of RAW and the poor and illiterate Hindus caste people are easy target to implicate in false cases to victims because of their weak socio economic status. Upper class rich Hindus may have been position to escape this attitude on the basis of their wealth, but there is no way out for poor.

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BBC documentary on PM Modi 'badly researched', doesn't represent UK govt's view: British MP

New Delhi: BBC documentary on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi “is a hatchet job. It was poor journalism, badly researched and casts smears against PM Modi which are completely unjustified,” says UK MP Bob Blackman.

The lawmaker further said the broadcaster (BBC) “does not represent views of the British government.”

Speaking to News18, Blackman said the two episode docu-series also “sought to demonstrate that the Indian judicial system could not be trusted and I am afraid that the judicial system in India is based on the British system, completely separate from politics and completely independent.”

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Tribute to Jay Lakhani: British Hindus reflect on his enduring legacy that will live on for generations

heoretical physicist and global speaker Shri (Dilip) Jay Lakhani passed away peacefully at home on December 4, aged 72. It was a sad day for the British Hindu community as they bade farewell to the adored and well-respected scholar and pioneer of Hindu studies in the UK.

Author of 'Hinduism for Schools' (2005), 'Primary Hinduism' (2006), 'Special Times: Hinduism' (2009) and 'A Journey Through Life in Hinduism' (2010), Lakhani was the first Hindu tutor at Eton College and was known for his popular GCSE and A-Level Hinduism classes, which he ran up and down the country.

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A Case Study of Religious Harmony and Dialogue

Among many examples of positive progress towards religious harmony and mutual respect is BAPS – a socio-spiritual organisation which has led the effort to bring about dialogue between different faiths and promote the values of unity in diversity.

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I have experienced racism in my life, says UK PM Rishi Sunak

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has revealed that he experienced racism growing up in the UK but the country has made incredible progress since then in confronting the issue. 

The British Indian leader was speaking to reporters on Thursday night in the wake of a racism row at Buckingham Palace, which saw the resignation of Prince William's godmother after it emerged that the senior palace aide had repeatedly questioned a black British charity worker about where she was "really from". .

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How British colonialism killed 100 million Indians in 40 years

Between 1880 to 1920, British colonial policies in India claimed more lives than all famines in the Soviet Union, Maoist China and North Korea combined.

Recent years have seen a resurgence in nostalgia for the British empire. High-profile books such as Niall Ferguson’s Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World, and Bruce Gilley’s The Last Imperialist, have claimed that British colonialism brought prosperity and development to India and other colonies. Two years ago, a YouGov poll found that 32 percent of people in Britain are actively proud of the nation’s colonial history.

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Misleading article by Cherian George who the Professor of Media Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University’s School of Communication and a former journalist.

Misleading article by Cherian George who the Professor of Media Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University’s School of Communication and a former journalist.

Chrian George fails to mention how a group of  "muslims" locked the train compartment and burnt "hindu" pilgrims alive which unfortunatly ignited riots but states  "Within 150 days of Modi becoming chief minister of Gujarat, Hindu hard-liners there were massacring Muslims."

Also fails to mention that there were no riots or revenge attacks when it was the same CM, Mr Narendra Modi on 24 September 2002, when two terrorists attacked the Swaminarayan Akshardham complex in GandhinagarGujaratIndia, killing 33 including two Sadhus 


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Ranjit's win was announced on the 3rd December 2020, in London, UK

From less than 2% attendance to 100% - An inspiration to ALL #teachersaround the world.
Indian village teacher Ranjitsinh Disale, who transformed the life chances of young girls at the Zilla Parishad Primary School, Paritewadi, Solapur, Maharashtra, India, has been named the winner of the Global Teacher Prize 2020, in partnership with UNESCO.
Ranjit's win was announced on the 3rd December 2020, in London, UK
The impact of Ranjitsinh’s interventions has been extraordinary: there are now no teenage marriages in the village and 100 per cent attendance by girls at the school. The school was also recently awarded the best school in the district with 85% of his students achieving A grades in annual exams. One girl from the village has now graduated from University, something seen as an impossible dream before Ranjitsinh arrived.

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Is this a case of abhorrent perpetuation of Hindu Phobia?

Thank you for getting in touch about our article Coronavirus: What's driving India's 100,000 Covid-19 deaths?

The picture shows a municipal worker sanitising a graveyard in India after the burial of Covid victims.

We thought it was a good picture which is relevant to the story.

Best wishes, Sean Moss, BBC News website Complaints


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Did a group of UK MPs mislead the Britsh Parliament?

Did a group of UK MPs mislead the Britsh Parliament by paraphrasing the India's opposition politians without any basic research whatsoever? 


HuffPost > Systemic Hindutva Violence Waged On Muslims In India Sanctioned By BJP Govt: Indian-Origin British MP


The Express Tripbue > India comes under fire in British parliament over CAA, Delhi riots


How the British Public funded BBC and British Media failed to report imparially that BOTH Hindus and Muslims were killed during the fatal riots? 


Is the British media, in this case, in breach of impartiality by paraphrasing the Indian opposition politicians without due resarch? 


BBC > Delhi riots: How Muslims' homes were targeted and burnt


The Guardian > Inside Delhi: beaten, lynched and burnt alive (Hannah EllisPetersen)


BBC > Delhi riots: 'No-one who saw the photo thought I would survive'

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Irony Or Anti-India?: Lockdown Reportage Exposes Western Media Bias

Here is a series of contrasting reports that show how the same western media houses that demanded a lockdown in their countries, have condemned, castigated and criticised India for having the foresight to implement it. Is this irony at play, is it ignorance or is it simply a deep-rooted anti-India agenda at play? This is for the readers to decide: 

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Why foreign media loves anti-india, champagne socialists as columnists

“The Washington Post, for example, is spoilt for choice. Almost all the think tanks are within a 2-km radius of the newspaper’s K Street headquarters in Washington DC. They can seek out op-eds by Jeff Smith at the Heritage Foundation, Ashley Tellis at Carnegie, Dhruva Jaishankar at Observer Research Foundation (ORF), Sameer Lalwani at Stimson Center, Richard Rossow at Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) – all of whom will be less than a 20-minute walk away. These people are classified as serious experts on topics ranging from the Indian economy to Indian nuclear weapons. Yet, the newspaper’s star interpreter of India is Rana Ayyub Why?”

Photo credit to The Print

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Why India Was The BBC's Real Target On June 24, Not Altaf Hussain

The BBC's bias against India is well-logged, and regularly railed about in the Indian press. The Hindu newspaper's Premen Addy was an especially fierce critic. He accused the BBC of being Indo-phobic, and focusing on India's poverty more than its socioeconomic achievements.Over the years, it has been called both a left and right wing mouthpiece, depending on who got rubbed the wrong way. Still, how can the BBC have such an independent agenda? For starters, it is run by a Royal Charter, and not an Act of Parliament. This means the Lordships have more say in the editorial content than public officials. Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher claimed to have "fought three elections against the BBC" during her political career.

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The Wall Street Journal

Known India and Modi baiter US-based Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has been caught yet again blatantly lying and attempting to vitiate the atmosphere. IB officer Ankit Sharma was killed by a Jihadi mob allegedly led by AAP leader Tahir Hussain and the same was corroborated by eye-witness accounts. Ankit brother Ankur Sharma too had blamed Muslim rioters and anti-CAA violent protesters for the murder of Ankit Sharma. He clearly says that Ankit was dragged by the Muslim mob while he was returning from duty when he was attacked and dragged into the building belonging to the AAP leader Tahir Hussain.

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India needs to address hostile Western media

In the summer of 2014, the influential British weekly The Economist — also read by a section of India’s decision-makers — created a minor flutter by endorsing the Congress. Actually, more than being enthusiastic about the UPA-II that had completed an uninspiring five years, the magazine was outrightly disapproving of the challenger, Narendra Modi. Its argument was less focused on the future of Indian capitalism under Modi but principally centred on the BJP’s alleged programme of social divisiveness.

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British-born Aatish Taseer presents ‘In Search of India’s Soul’

The reason writer Aatish Taseer signed up for the recently aired Al Jazeera documentary series ‘In Search of India’s Soul’ was because the producer didn’t want the typical Western documentary about India, in which Left-wing talking heads go on about the rise of fascism, but something that would deal seriously with the Hindu sense of hurt, perceived or real, that was causing the present conflagration. 

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Huffpost’s anti-Hindu propaganda is visible, yet again, from its report on Chandni Chowk temple desecration

Huffpost India, formerly known as HuffingtonPost India should once again consider changing its name to something more appropriate such as “Hinduphobicpost India”. In its latest attempt to malign Hinduism, Hindus and the political right wing, the opinion blog has tried to twist basic facts about the Chandni Chowk temple desecration case in Delhi so as to favour its preferred Hindu-bashing narrative.

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BBC’s Hindu Bashing report on ‘Caste’

“The National Council of Churches in India will hold a day of protest next week against the country’s discriminatory caste system. It follows a number of attacks against Dalits in various parts of the country. Rahul Tandon reports.”

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Vamsee Juluri, professor of media studies at the University of San Francisco, speaks up for the anonymous Hindu who, he says, was silent all those years of the colonial rule only to be criticized as an ‘oppressor’ post-Independence. His new book ‘Rearming Hinduism’ seeks to restore to the millennia-old faith its intellectual heritage by reintroducing Hinduism to Hindus. Juluri tells Narayani Ganesh that foreign ‘experts’ have only contributed to the misconceptions.

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Hinduphobic Nazi Rally held at Colors Hoxton in London

Some pissed off Hindus from the LGBTQ community brought this to our attention. A Hungama event was held at Colors Hoxton club in London recently, where again we witnessed how Hinduphobic Nazi propaganda via appropriating Run DMCs art promoted under the guise of attacking the CAB/CAA bill in faraway India. This is the reason behind so many attacks on Hindu temples, Hindus and Hinduism recently by colonised native protesters.

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